Klassik  Soloinstrument  Orgel
Die Welte-Philharmonie-Orgel The Britannic Organ Vol. 8: Reger und Zeitgenossen spielen Max Reger OC 847 CD
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Price: 13.99 EURO

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FormatAudio CD
Ordering NumberOC 847
Release date08/07/2014
Players/ContributorsMusicians Composer
  • Reger, Max

Manufacturer/EU Representative

  • Company nameOehmsClassics Musikproduktion GmbH
  • AdresseGruber Straße 46b, 85586 Poing, DE
  • e-Mailtb@naxos-gl.com

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      Description hide

      The Britannic Organ - Vol. 8

      Reger and Contemporaries Play Max R

      The Museum of Music Automatons in Seewen and the Max Reger Institute in Karlsruhe both contain recording rolls made by Max Reger and several of his contemporaries manufactured by the firm of M. Welte & Sons on a Welte Philharmonie recording organ beginning in 1911 in Freiburg im Breisgau. This double CD contains, for the first time, not only all the recordings that Reger made for the firm, but also more interpretations of Reger‘s works on the second CD with the organists Günther Ramin, Kurt Grosse, Walter Fischer and Joseph Messner. These interpretations also sound as if played by magic on the Britannic Organ of the Museum of Music Automatons.

      Tracklist hide

      hideCD 1
      • 1.Fugue in G major op. 56 No. 3 - Welte Roll 1294 (master)06:19
      • 2.Benedictus op. 59 No. 9 - Welte Roll 1295 (master)05:34
      • 3.Melodia op. 59 No. 11 - Welte Roll 1296 (master)06:36
      • 4.Canzone in E-flat major op. 65 No. 9 - Welte Roll 1297 (copy)07:18
      • 5.Jesus meine Zuversicht op. 67 No. 20 - Welte Roll 1298 (master)02:22
      • 6.Lobt Gott, ihr Christen alle gleich op. 67 No. 23 - Welte Roll 1299 (copy)01:30
      • 7.Mach’s mit mir, Gott nach deiner Güt’ op. 67 No. 25 - Welte Roll 1300 (copy)02:58
      • 8.O Welt, ich muss dich lassen op. 67 No. 33 - Welte Roll 1301 (copy)03:23
      • 9.Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten op. 67 No. 45 - Welte Roll 1302 (copy)02:29
      • 10.Wie wohl ist mir, o Freund der Seelen op. 67 No. 50 - Welte Roll 1303 (copy)02:42
      • 11.Oh, wie selig seid ihr doch op. 67 No. 52 - Welte Roll 1304 (master)01:51
      • 12.Moment musical op. 69 No. 4 - Welte Roll 1305 (master)06:04
      • 13.Romanze op. 80 No. 8 - Welte Roll 1306 (master)04:37
      • 14.Ave Maria op. 80 No. 5 - Welte Roll 1307 (copy)05:32
      • 15.Praeludium op. 85 No. 3 - Welte Roll 1308 (copy)06:44
      • 16.Basso Ostinato (from the Suite in g Minor) op. 92 No. 4 - Welte Roll 1309 (master)03:32
      • Total:01:09:31
      moreCD 2
      • Organist: Günter Ramin
        • 1.Toccata and Fugue in D minor op. 129 - Welte Roll 1991 (copy)09:59
      • Organist: Kurt Grosse
        • 2.Fantasie für Orgel Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme op. 52 No. 2 - Welte Roll 1874 (master)21:51
      • Organist: Walter Fischer
        • 3.Kyrie eleison op. 59 No. 7 - Welte Roll 1762 (copy)06:56
      • Organist: Walter Fischer
        • 4.Gloria in excelsis op. 59 No. 8 - Welte Roll 1763 (copy)06:30
      • Organist: Joseph Messner
        • 5.Romanze in A minor - Welte Roll 1892 (copy)05:00
      • Organist: Kurt Grosse
        • 6.Fantasia and Fugue on B-A-C-H op. 46 - Welte Roll 1873 (copy)19:25
      • Total:01:09:41