Klassik  Kammermusik Instrumental
Lyriarte & Rüdiger Lotter & Olga Watts & Kristin von der Goltz The Enigmatic Art of Antonio & Francesco Maria Veracini OC 720 CD
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Price: 12.99 EURO

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FormatAudio CD
Ordering NumberOC 720
Release date11/3/2008
Players/ContributorsMusicians Composer
  • Veracini, Antonio
  • Veracini, Francesco M.

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      Antonio Veracini: Sonatas op. 1 No. 1 & op. 2 No. 3
      Francesco M. Veracini: Sonatas op. 1 No. 1, op. 2 No. 5 & op. 2 No. 12 & Sonata Nona

      Rüdiger Lotter: Baroque violin · Dorothee Oberlinger, recorder
      Lyriarte: Olga Watts, harpsichord/chest organ· Axel Wolf, lute
      Kristin von der Goltz: Baroque cello

      Two particularly spectacular personalities of the Baroque period, which was not short of exciting figures: Antonio Veracini, violin virtuoso, teacher and composer in Florence. Although he was a highly respected musician and teacher in his own time, only few of his works have survived. His nephew Francesco Maria, to whom he taught violin and composition, was a completely different type. Hotheaded, eccentric, ingenious – as he was described by his contemporaries. This character is reflected today in his works, which attest to an extraordinary freedom from conventions. On this CD the soloist Rüdiger Lotter finds a celebrity partner in the recorder player Dorothee Oberlinger. The Continuo part very well cast also promises an adventurous listening experience through the contrasting soundscapes of the Veracinis.

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