Daniel Dodds

Time Transcending is a musical journey through the world of violin playing. It ranges from the characteristic universal order of Bach’s Chaconne, through the agitating drama of the Ballade by Ysaÿe and the motifs of Berio’s Sequenza repeating themselves under high tension, to the ascending movement of Paganini’s famous Caprice No. 24 through the Rochberg Variations, suffering fragmentation like a cubist painting. It continues with the virtuoso variations of a melancholy Irish folksong, “The Last Rose,” colliding onto the destructive and corrosive power of the clockwork of Bräm, finally reaching its end in the sounds of devotion of the last movement of Messiaen’s “Quatuor pour le fin de Temps,” dying away at a high altitude. Daniel Dodds
Time Transcending OC 832