Klassik  Soloinstrument  Orgel
Joseph Kelemen Georg Muffat: Apparatus musico-organisticus (1690) OC 604 2 SACD
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Price: 29.99 EURO

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Format2 Super Audio CD
Ordering NumberOC 604
Release date11/16/2005
Players/ContributorsMusicians Composer
  • Muffat, Georg

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      Born in 1655, Johann Georg Muffat was highly influenced by French and Italian models and is one of Lower Bavaria’s most significant composers. In 1693, he was appointed cathedral kapellmeister in Passau. For this second in the series “Southern German Organ Masters”, Joseph Kelemen has selected the Apparatus musico-organisticus, one of Muffat’s major works. Joseph Kelemen’s previous recording of organ works of Southern German composer Johann Caspar Kerll was included in the quarterly German CD Reviewer’s Prize list.

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